Submitted by: gayle salmon gale
Taking Ravi Shankar to El Charro
Years ago in early 1970’s I was the designated greeter for Ravi Shankar when he arrived in Tucson to play with the Tucson Symphony.
We picked him up at the Tucson airport in a mid 50’s Buick convertible. Ravi thought that was so cool.
Then we took him and his band to my favorite restaurant the downtown El Charro
We had reserved the private room
He and his band were going nuts over the food. Said the best food they had in America! They loved the hot sauce and was pouring it over every dish. They loved eating with their hands. Then at the end said it was best food outside of India❣️
Thus was a memory I will never forget!
Ravi Shankar loved El Carro just as I do!